Thursday, February 27, 2020

Visual Rock Music Stars Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Visual Rock Music Stars - Essay Example Above I provided some background information on the topic of rock and roll that will help me get closer to the topic that will be dealt with lower. The aim of my study is to examine the relationship between dress and ideology of visual rock music stars. This group was chosen as the visual nature of the group allows for a thorough analysis of the ways in which the beliefs of the group may affect their decisions relating to dress. In the frameowkr of my project, an interview was conducted with members of a rock music group in order to collect primary data on the topic. The interview is used in this study to ascertain the history of the group and the beliefs of the group. The interview was also used to obtain information about how the group's beliefs have changed over time. The information from the interview is presented here alongside with the relevant current literature to ascertain how the two are interlinked. The interview revealed several things, some of which were expected, but others which were surprising. The interview found that the band did not claim to hold any strong beliefs which related to politics or religion. The band members claimed that their ideology, focused more on having fun, and this was the image that they tried to portray. The band did acknowledge that there are many rock bands which do have strong ideologies. One such example, which they quoted was the British group the Sex Pistols, who were famous in the Punk Rock era of the 1980s. They were as famous for their strong beliefs in anarchy and hatred of the British political regimes as they were for their music. The interview also revealed that the rock group was heavily influenced by other counterpart rock groups. Though, not only other... This "Visual Rock Music Stars" essay outlines the history of rock’n’roll music and how it affects the fashion. There was a rock band specifically mentioned in the interview that was the Sex Pistols. This band is considered to be an iconic rock band on many levels. Their music was highly controversial and being produced and released independently. That state of things allowed the band a large degree of freedom that many other bands which having signed to corporate brands did not possess. The entire stance which was adopted by the group was â€Å"anti-establishment†. It is for this reason that the Sex Pistols selected their dress. They aimed to take the clothes which were seen as socially acceptable at that time and transform them into a dress code, which would be highly controversial. It was not only the clothes which the Sex pistols altered in an attempt to shock, moreover, they also adopted hairstyles such as the Mohican, died their hair dramatic colors, and dec orated their bodies with tattoos and piercings. Other rock bands at the time did not possess the same levels of freedom, and as a result, their images were far more controlled by the record label and have not been so distinct. Goshert (2000) suggests that although the majority of modern bands would not consider themselves to be ‘punk’ bands, they are still heavily influenced by the ideology of bands such as the Sex Pistols. For example when the photos of the band interviewed were inspected it would be possible to see some elements of ‘punk’ dress in their early photos.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Hinduism, Buddhism, and Sikhism all spring for the same part of the Essay

Hinduism, Buddhism, and Sikhism all spring for the same part of the world and share many of the same symbols, concepts, and prac - Essay Example Hinduism, Sikhism, and Buddhism all originated from India though at different times in history. Buddhism is a form of religion that is based on virtues such as wisdom, freedom from greed, compassion, and love. The term Buddha was the name of an individual who is believed by the Buddhists to have attained the listed virtues. It is believed that Buddhism is 2500 years old. Buddhists view life as a process of change, where an individual develops systematically towards attaining the good personality. Buddhists believe that the mind is the channel through which an individual can change for the better and therefore meditation is an important practice among the Buddhists. Buddhists believe that meditation is the cure to problems of the mind such as lack of sleep, confusion, anxiety, and hatred among others. Festivals are considered important in Buddhism religion as it brings the followers together. The Buddha has various festivities around the year. For instance, the Buddha day marks the ce lebration of the full moon when the followers celebrate enlightenment by reviewing their lives and works. Dharma day is another festivity in Buddhism that marks the full moon and followers commemorate how Buddha shared his experience with the first disciple. Other celebrations include, Sangha day which the community celebrate spiritual community and the Parinirvana which symbolized the death of Buddha. Hinduism is a religion characterized by religious traditions and philosophy. The Hindu religion is also believed to have originated in India. The noble people who lived in India and recorded their ideas, beliefs, and practices on books founded it. The key teaching in Hindu religion is that human nature is not confined in the mind or the body. The Hindus believe that there exist spirits in the human souls all other things that are visible. Hinduism believe on wisdom, joy and peace among the things that make be considered good. Hindus believe in the existence of god in all creation and that god can incarnate is something. Hinduism also believes that god is infinite and manifests in different ways by which he can be contacted or prayed to. The behavior of Hindus is determined by the position an individual hold in life and the responsibilities attached to it. The religion also believes that human beings undergo development stages in life. Hinduism have many festivities around the year. These festivals are marked with prayers, worships, magic, and processions among others. The rituals are meant to cleanse the society, expel bad omen, and revive the power of nature. Some of the Hindu festivities include, celebrations of birthday for the gods, bonding festivals, celebration of victories among others. Sikhism is a form of religion that was founded by a man called Guru Nanak in India approximately five hundred years ago. The Sikhs believe that there is only one god and that all people are equal before god. The Sikhs also believe that before the soul becomes human form, i t undergoes a cycle of development. Another aspect of Sikhism is the practice of leading a virtuous life while balancing between temporal and spiritual obligations. Sikhism religion does not believe in some rituals such as fasting, superstitions, and idol worshiping. In the ritual dimension on religion, it is evident that all these three religions perform certain rituals to